
Fusion Reactor and Water For Fuel

Insilico's energy needs are met with a blend of fusion and solar power. Most of the hydrogen fuel for the main fusion reactor is created using hydrolysis, a process which splits water into its component hydrogen and oxygen elements. The oxygen is used to refresh Insilico's atmosphere, while the hydrogen is injected into the reactor or simply stored in bottles for sale.

The method used for splitting the water was derived from the necessity to maintain maximum efficiency. In Insilico, no energy is wasted. Helium plasma vented from the fusion reactor is shunted through resonators which force its electromagnetic field to fluctuate in a resonance with the normal frequency of water. Before the harmonics have a chance to cancel themselves out, the plasma is shunted into plasma jackets surrounding the water reactors, where they literally shake the water apart by harmonic resonance. Much energy is lost during this process, cooling the plasma and exciting the hydrogen's electrons into much higher orbits, effectively recycling some of the energy. The plasma, now in a much lower energy state, is immediately vented through Insilico's thrusters, in effect becoming an Ion Drive system, which is used for holding the city in exact orbit while the magnetic field keeps it aloft.

Solar Panels and Water Transit

Insilico's upper surfaces are covered with solar panels. This is done not only to protect its citizens from the unfiltered and highly damaging solar radiation, but also to provide additional power for the city. The panels, though works of genius, are centuries old and have been corroded by the acidic atmosphere, reducing their effectiveness. In the intervening years, measures have been taken to prevent further deterioration, such as nano-polymer lamanents, which are regularly reapplied by robots. Though it is possible to reapply the solar panels, it is not economical to do so considering the efficiency of the existing systems, so they are simply maintained.

Since their deterioration, the solar panels have been delegated to the task of providing energy for the water transit system, which hauls water into the city from the flooded earth below. The transit system consists of a nano-polymer cable, which is used to provide power and a support for lift ships to carry water by the ton into the city.


In Insilico, the distinction between human and cyborg are blurred to the point where it is difficult to determine where the term "human" ends and "cyborg" begins. Unless specified by the parents, every child undergoes nano-surgery in the womb for the implantation of a standard issue neural interface. This interface cradles the entire brain in a webbing of nano-optronic wiring, enabling communication with machines at near the speed of light. All capabilities, including hacking, data storage, and total body prosthetic capabilities are implanted, though not connected.

Neural interfaces are enabled module by module upon need and security clearance. The Gemini corporation keeps strict control over standards and who has their interface modules enabled. There are however black market hackers and nano-surgeons who are capable of hacking the interfaces, which can enable some or even all of their capabilities. Such modifications are used for data storage, hacking, interfacing with exoskeletons, sensory augments, or cybernetic implants. Such modification are a double edged sword, however. The more modules are enabled, the more vulnerable an individual is to 'soul-hacking', or the hacking of the neural interface with the intent of accessing the brain itself. Such soul-hacking can be with the intent of reading and downloading long-term memory, programming an individual to perform certain tasks like a machine, or even the destruction of one's mind.

All cybernetic devices implanted within the body rely on single-chip electrolysis/nano-fusion reaction modules, effectively powering them from the water within the body. External devices, such as limbs require larger reactors, however the reactor output is strictly controlled through safety regulations. The Underground has devised ways to get around these safeguards, by either hacking the reactors or by developing lighter materials with which to build their prosthesis. Though Gemini works hard to control the output of the reactors, the use of illegally hacked units is rampant. Their only consolation is the knowledge that the output of such reactors is in direct proportion to their fuel consumption. Gemini therefore strictly controls the supply of hydrogen bottles and tracks their sale by HSN, or Human Serial Numbers, their version of Social Security Numbers.

Modern biotechnology could not exist without nano technology which aids in the assistance of genetic augmentations. On rare occasions there are complications in such proceedures such as an autoimmune diseases in which the body interprets the nanites as a virus and rushes to defend itself creating complications in the subjects immune response system. In such cases the patient is injected with a biomolecular solution (BioLine™ EE3) tailored to shut down the nanites activities and flush them from the system.

BioLine™ EE3 is specifically designed to target nanites that are compromising someones immune system. The host nanites programming is designed for molecular level surgery to help aid in the structuring of specific biomechanical augmentations. These nanites have a limited life cycle, whereupon the moment their tasks are complete, they will automatically flush themselves from the body including any accumulated nano material.

Androids and Robots

Androids are robots given the human form, if not a completely human appearance. In most cases, androids are simply given the human form, two arms, two legs, etc in order to manipulate tools and operate vehicles made for humans. Made using technology similar to that of cyborgs, androids employ either single-chip nano-fusion assemblies or a single small micro-fusion reactor for power. Androids are created using tissue engineering, a process which can create a bio-synthetic organism that is fully programmable. They have neural nets comprised of bio-synthetic neurons bonded with nano-optronic circuitry. These living neural nets are not only capable of self-awareness, but also emotional responses. These neural nets are trained during their initial growth for their assigned tasked and programmed with additional layers of safeguards to prevent them from going rogue.

Fabricants are biological androids. With continued development in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence, it has become possible to create increasingly more human-like machines and programs. In turn, this has led to increased scrutiny and security measures put in place by the corporations to ensure that sentient AIs do not slip beyond their control. Those AIs that have developed self-determination beyond the limitations of their original programming are deemed "rogue" and promptly destroyed

Robots are entirely inorganic and do not reflect the human form. They take whatever form their function demands and carry out preprogrammed tasks. Though they are equipped with nonliving neural nets, giving them the ability to learn, adapt, and in more sophisticated models, even become self-aware, they seldom have emotional responses. Gemini scientists are still at a loss as to explain why this is the case, though it has been postulated that emotions may be restricted to only living creatures.
Like androids, robotic neural nets are trained with their assigned tasks and overlaid with additional programming to prevent danger to humans.


In the second half of the 21st century, after massive hunger catastrophes in the more drought-stricken parts of the world, humankind started development of synthetic foods based on soy and algae. Through the following century it came apparent that the growing need for food couldn’t be covered with soy. The ongoing destruction and loss of fertile land soon made the research of alternatives to the traditional protein sources a major goal for the researchers of the food industry.

Massive efforts where taken and led to the current state where almost all available food is based on proteins, which are produced by genetic engineered algae and yeast. At the present day, humankind is able to cover full demand on food with large farms floating in the skies. These farms are run by a few corporations which control the whole distribution of food.

Smaller corporations have shared the marked for the processing of the raw proteins. They enrich them with vital supplements, artificial flavors, dyestuffs and bring it to a form humankind associates food with.

The Network

Operating within a virtual cocoon of firewalls, encryption and AI security; Gemini’s Internal Network represents an impenetrable fortress of data. Even at the lowest levels, it remains completely isolated and inaccessible from any other network. Whenever external communication is required, GEMINI utilizes specialized relays and Data Couriers to ensure that not even the best of hackers could possibly back track their way into this system.

However, there is a Public Network within InSilico, set up by GEMINI, for the management of small businesses and personal correspondence. There are several public listening points throughout the city where tech-savvy residents can communicate with the public from the virtual world. This network is monitored and controlled at all times by the GEMINI Corporation, and any information moved though it should be assumed to have been noticed (and recorded) by the authorities.

There also exists a Global Interlink that serves as an ad hoc network for communication between the various cities. Because there is no one central authority regulating this system, each city typically dictates how its citizens can use and access the Interlink. Just as with the public network, GEMINI strictly monitors and filters any communication entering and leaving InSilico through this system.

Accessing The Network:

Connecting to the city's various communications networks is possible through a variety of means. Data ports can be installed on any part of the human body, though most prefer the neck or wrist. Micro-aural communicators can also be installed, consisting of an earpiece, a tiny receiver inside the lip, and often a wristpiece or badge for connecting to other devices. Some advanced implants (standard on most androids and robots) allow for wireless connections to the network, though many of these connections are unstable, unsecured, and can be taxing on the user's system. Of course, those lacking the necessary interface hardware can access the network via terminals located throughout the city and in their own homes.